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Bread Of Life- Week 4

For the Week of Jan 21-28 2007
From The Desk of Evg. Leroy Martin:

**** Happy New Years ***

Welcome to "The Bread of Life "
   I personally want to “Thank” everyone for their response and the encouragement that everyone has been sowing into my life. I want to send a good “God Bless You” to all of our new visitors and friends.

  We started earlier this month with a topic called “God’s Eyes vs. Our eyes”. It mainly talks about the way we see things from our eyes and through the “Eye’s Of God”. Now that you see things differently through God’s Eye’s, God placed upon my heart to talk about something that is most important in our seeing, and that is having “Vision”.  

   Vision has been defined as the ability to see”; that is true if we were referring to the duty of the eye. But have you ever thought about our mindset? Vision that is in our mind has been defined as an image or a concept in the imagination. I know that some are asking the question “What is the Difference?”  Well let me tell you this. I once went to the eye doctor for an eye examination. The doctor put this solution in my eye that caused my pupils to dilate. This meant my eyes were open, and I could see things far off, but when it came to things that were close to my eyes, I could not see. In other words “My focus was off!” Now get this; I tried to drive in that condition! (Don’t tell anybody).

Here is a very important question; have you ever seen yourself in a good position but could not see yourself achieving it? One tactic that the enemy has used, is to get our focus off. A beloved sister of our church always used this inspirational saying “Don’t look at what you see; SEE what you are looking at?” How many times have we allowed a vision that was placed in our hearts to go by the wayside because we lost our focus? The devil has put many things in our way to cause us to loose our focus; he has caused us to see double in our vision. This is called DIVISION. And “a house that is divided cannot stand” Mth. 12:25. You see, God has shown us through his word that WE ARE OVER COMERS, and the devil knows that. So he has set out to cause us not to see what God has shown us through his word. He then brings things before you to cause your FOCUS to be off. Things such as; family, jobs, friends, automobiles, home, bills, politics, world events etc… are many ways that the devil has tried to get our FOCUS off!

    But I have come to let you know that if we “look unto Jesus the author and the finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.” Heb 12:2, We can maintain our FOCUS. For he will keep us in perfect peace whose mind is stayed upon theeIs 26:3. We must know that our vision comes from one source (Ps.1-6). His name is Jesus; we must know that as long as our trust and mind is in the Lord, then our focus will be unmovable.

And because your vision is now stable, you can see things farther than others. It is simply called “Far-sight”which means we can see down the road. This is the ability to anticipate possible future events and developments. And because of the word of God, and you being focused on your vision, you now can expect God to perform his word in your life. If He says “You Can!” than “You Can!”, If He says “You Shall Have!” than “You Shall Have!”, If He says “It Must Be!” than “It Must Be!” (SHOUT AMEN SOMEBODY!!!).

    And this is the reason that the person that is under the influence of things can’t see straight. It is not that he can’t see, but that which is influencing him has caused his vision not to be focused. And you just can’t say that it is drugs or alcohol only that will cause you to have double vision, for some are under the influence of SIN, some are under the influence of Low-self esteem, some are under the influence of anger, and some are under the influence of Laziness.

What ever it may be; Don’t Let The devil Get You off FOCUS” Tell the devil to loose you in the Name Of Jesus.

    Remember that your vision can not be unfocused; maintain your focus through God and his word, and trust me, He will direct thy path; make sure that the influences that are around you are Godly ones.
For those of you who are having problems with your vision (Focus) say these words:
Father, I come to you today Thanking You for being my eyes that I may see through. I Thank You Father for being The Healer; now Father I'm asking you to give me that Godly Vision; the vision that will cause me to see straight. That vision that will cause me to focus on you and what you want me to see. My eyes belong to you Lord, My Heart, My mind, and My Soul they belong to you. Remove any thing that has hindered my sight in Jesus Name AMEN! 

For those of you who want a New Life simply repeat these words:
Father I repent for all of My Sins, I accept and believe in my heart what you did for Me at Calvary. Wash me in Your Blood; Cleanse Me from all unrighteousness, I will confess you as My Lord and My Savior, and from this day forward, I’ll live for you for the rest of my life.

Evg. Leroy Martin

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