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Bread of Life -(Feb 18-25 2007)

For the week of February 18-25 2007
"Is there anything to Hard For God?"
From The Desk of Evg. Leroy Martin:
Welcome to "The Bread of Life! "   


     Hello again everyone. We are back again after a short time off. We have had a death in the family so please pray for us. I want to give this topic that God gave me during this time off. It is a question that some have asked during troublesome times. I want to ask you,
Is There Anything To Hard For God?”
  This is an easy question to ask when we see all the bad things take place in our world. We see crime, we see so much death, and pain; and that is just on a world front. But when we look at the local front: The poverty, the violence, and the entire disregard toward our God, it is easy, for one who is bound and could not see, to ask the question “where is your God now?”Ps 42:10.

     It is obvious that we that are saved, through Jesus Christ our Lord, do not look to the things of this world to bring us Joy. We do not look to the liquor bottles, or to the dope house, nor to any Government programs (Man) to bring us that Joy that is unspeakable; “we look unto Jesus who is the author and finisher of our Faith” Heb 12: 2 Now someone may ask why do we believe like we do. It is because the object of our faith is Christ and him Crucified.

     We believe that Christ defeated everything at the cross. Even when our world seems to be in shambles and in turmoil, we still have Joy. Joy that tells us that everything is going to be all right; the joy that tells us don’t worry help is on the way! Can I Get Witness? “Because the Joy of the Lord is Our Strength”. Neh. 8:10

     When we believe in this like manner, the response of true believers to that question is,
No! There is nothing to hard for God!
     Because of that stance that we have taken on this matter, we can stand boldly and declare it even though all hell is breaking loose. (Take a little time and bless God Right Here)
I know that the world is asking where is God during all the bad times? We still have the answer. He is still right here! For He said, that He will not put more on us than we can bear. Who was it that brought us through? Who was it that kept your mind when you should have gone crazy? Who was it that blessed you when you had a need?

Nobody but Jesus!

     So when people come and ask you; how did you make it through that? Or how do you have a smile even when you should be frowning? Or how do you have joy when everyone else is crying? Just simply tell them This is the Lords doing; it is marvelous in our eyes! Ps 118:23

      God has been so good to us that we should tell the whole world about his goodness. We should always give Him praise for the things he has done in our lives. So it is no problem telling the world “There is nothing to hard for God!”

For those of you who need God more in your life say this prayer: God I first just want to say Thank you for all that you have done; Thank you for all that you have been in my life. I'm Thanking You in advance for what your about to do in my life and the lives of others. I'm Thanking You because you have been there for me all the time. Father I lift my eyes to you, because with out you I am nothing.  So Father I need you more today than I did on yesterday; Father I need you more every minute and every hour. As I seek your face Lord, I hunger and thurst even more of you. Help me This day Lord! I will bless you Holy Name for ever! Amen.
For those of you who want a New Life simply repeat these words:
Father I repent for all of My Sins, I accept and believe in my heart what you did for Me at Calvary. Wash me in Your Blood; Cleanse Me from all unrighteousness, I will confess you as My Lord and My Savior, and from this day forward, I’ll live for you for the rest of my life.

Evg. Leroy Martin

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